
Office 1202, Concord Tower, Dubai Media City - Al Sufouh 2, Dubai, UnitedĀ ArabĀ Emirates


Office 1202, Concord Tower, Dubai Media City - Al Sufouh 2, Dubai, UnitedĀ ArabĀ Emirates

The Importance of Learning Languages in the Modern World


About The Event

Our CEO Mirvat Abou Chaker recently attended a workshop as a distinguished speaker, where she shed light on the importance of education and how it has the potential to change society. She emphasized the advantages and the benefits of language study highlighting how it broadens our horizons and promotes cross ā€“ cultural understanding. She urged people to embrace language study as a way to improve their businesses and career opportunities. It was a motivational speech for many people.


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  • Cost Free
  • Event date
    May 24, 2023
  • Event time 12:00 am - 12:00 am
  • Total Slot 0
  • Booked Slot 0

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